Charity fundraising

Demonstrable expertise across a wide variety of charity fundraising schemes

We advise on a wide variety of fundraising schemes including lotteries, appeal documents, charity fundraising events, relationships with business supporters and the operation of trading companies. We advise on the relevant compliance issues for charities entering into arrangements with professional fundraisers or commercial participators.

Key services and issues

  • National lottery fund
  • Grant applications
  • Appeals
  • Joint applications
  • Business supporter relationships
  • Professional fundraisers and commercial participators

Our work

  • We have advised on fundraising options for challenge events both in the UK and overseas. In particular, we are able to advise on how these events can be structured to minimise health and safety risks for the charity and ensure that the charity does not take on the responsibilities of a travel organiser under the Package Travel Regulations.
  • We have also recently advised on a group collaboration of a number of charities which agreed to set up a new charitable entity in order to run a high profile national appeal. This involved complex fundraising issues, in addition to the charities’ management, distribution rights and cost sharing obligations.

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  • Choosing a brand

    We all know the key role your brand plays in building awareness of your charity with its beneficiaries and in driving engagement with donors, but how do you maximise and protect its value?

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  • Opt in, opt out, shake it all about?

    Charities have had something of a bumpy ride lately… and the bad news is that it’s not over yet. On top of increasing scrutiny of fundraising carried out by charities, data protection law and the Information Commissioner has now come to the fore with some big-name charities fined for data protection breaches.

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  • Social Enterprise: all aboard?

    It was something I heard debated around the time the Social Value Act was being put together: an earlier draft of the legislation had included a definition of ‘social enterprise’ with the idea being that only social enterprises (with a capital ‘S’ and a capital ‘E’) could benefit. However, this was ultimately rejected in the parliamentary process leaving open the possibility that anyone who wanted to (even the private sector) could offer social value as part of a public sector procurement process and get the same credit for it as a CIC or a charity or someone else traditionally seen as part of the ‘not for profit’ sector.

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  • Spotlight: SH:24

    We spoke to Dr. Gillian Holdsworth, Managing Director of SH:24 about the background of the service, its aims, and what the future holds. Dr Holdsworth is a medically qualified public health consultant who works in population health.

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  • Trust Matters

    “Trust Matters”. These are the bywords of the Charity Commission for its recent report on public trust in charities, issued in July.

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