Our policy

Our commitments

  • To act in a socially responsible way
  • To ensure that social and environmental concerns are embedded in every aspect of the firm’s strategy
  • To encourage our business partners to embed these concerns in their own strategies and processes
  • To continually improve our performance and meet all relevant legislation
  • To encourage our employees to understand their impact on the environment
  • To provide opportunities for staff at all levels to take part in personally and professionally rewarding CSR related activities

Hempsons and the environment

Our objective is to endeavour to reduce our impact on the environment through a commitment to continual improvement:

  • We encourage environmental responsibility amongst our stakeholders, including clients, suppliers and employees
  • We conduct our operations in a way which minimises our consumption of natural resources and manage waste through responsible reuse, recycling and disposal of materials where economically feasible
  • We continually assess use and disposal associated with the main goods we use e.g. paper

For further information please refer to our Environmental Policy.

Diversity and inclusion

Hempsons is committed to avoiding discrimination in its dealings with clients, employees and all other stakeholders. We are committed to promoting diversity in all our professional activities. We have a comprehensive Equality and Diversity policy active within the firm.

Specific environmental activities

  • We are a member of the Carbon Trust and are working with them towards explaining the issues and opportunities surrounding climate change and carbon reduction.
  • We are a member of the Legal Sector Alliance, an assembly of law firms who are working together to tackle climate change by reducing their carbon footprint and adopting environmentally sustainable practices.
  • We are committed to obtaining the Environmental Quality Standard ISO141001 and working within their framework to reduce our impact on the environment.

Further information

Carbon Trust

Legal Sector Alliance

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