Rachael Hawkin

Rachael specialises in the provision of advice to and acting for NHS public bodies, in particular commissioners and healthcare providers on a wide range of legal matters.

In particular, Rachael regularly advises and represents Integrated Care Boards and NHS Trusts in Court of Protection cases, ranging from Section 21A applications to complex welfare cases and serious mental and medical treatment cases.

In addition to Court of Protection work and the provision of Mental Capacity Act and Mental Health Act advice, Rachael advises and represents NHS clients at coroner’s inquests.

Rachael also practices in the growing health and social care sector, providing advice and support to various social care and private health providers as well as challenges and appeals to the regulatory body. Rachael also acts on behalf of the Care Quality Commission in respect of appeals, which allows an in-depth knowledge and insight into social care issues from both a provider and regulatory perspective.

Main areas of expertise

  • Mental capacity law and court of protection
  • Mental health law
  • NHS continuing healthcare
  • Commissioning decisions and disputes
  • Information governance
  • Social care

The clients Rachael works with

  • NHS commissioning bodies
  • NHS mental & acute trusts
  • Social care providers
  • Care Quality Commission


  • Postgraduate Diploma in Legal Practice (2017)
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Bar Practice (2013)
  • LLB (Hons) Degree, University of York (2011)

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