Social Care Newsbrief Autumn/Winter 2017/18

Welcome to the latest edition of Hempsons’ Social Care newsbrief, a round-up of some of the hot legal topics in the social care sector.

In this issue, Martin Cheyne explores the complex issue of sleep-ins and Helen Edwards looks at the Law Commission’s proposals for replacing DOLS.

Our guest author, Tracey Clarke of Virtual Administration, talks us through the potential pitfalls of the new GDPR regulation, and we highlight a key upcoming event for your calendars – the Dementia, Care and Nursing Home Expo 2018.

Our client spotlight lands on Future Directions CIC, a not-for-profit social care provider based in Oldham. We talk to MD Paula Braynion about the organisation’s journey, the challenges it has faced and its plans for the future.

We hope you find something of interest within this newsbrief. If you want more information or to follow something up, please get in touch.

Click here to read our newsbrief in full

Continue reading other articles: Spring social care seminars – a review; “Sleep-ins” – a bad dream?Client Spotlight: Future Directions CIC; GDPR – are you going to be ready?; The end of DOLSCQC resources;

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  • “Sleep-ins” – a bad dream?

    Sleep-ins have become a difficult and worrying problem for many social care providers in recent years. It is an issue live in current politics and one which is subject to regulatory intervention and litigation.

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  • Client Spotlight – Future Directions CIC

    Our client spotlight focuses on Future Directions CIC, a not-for-profit social care provider based in Oldham. Future Directions was originally set up in 2012 as a subsidiary of Calderstones NHS Trust, and spun out to become a separate entity in April 2015. It is a values-based organisation that believes by living out its values it makes a real difference to people’s lives. We spoke to MD Paula Braynion about the organisation’s journey so far, the challenges it has faced, and plans for the future. Paula previously worked in the NHS as a Director of Operations, Deputy Chief Executive and Director of Nursing.

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  • Spring social care seminars – a review

    Integral to our commitment to the health and social care sector is the provision of free high quality education and training on legal topics for the sector. It was in that vein that we welcomed more than 100 people – mainly social care providers – to our Spring social care seminars held in Harrogate and Manchester.

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  • The end of DOLS?

    On 13 March 2017, the Law Commission published its report on the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (“DOLS”) with proposals for their replacement.

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  • What are your obligations with The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) – are you going to be ready?

    Certain types of personal data must be treated with particular care due to the sensitive nature of that personal data. This is of course common sense. ‘Health’ comes under what the ICO (Information Commissioner’s Office) calls the ‘special category’, making it a mandatory obligation to comply with the GDPR and more especially if you work in the health professional field.

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