Clinical negligence scheme for general practice – are you covered?

NHS Resolution has published a summary of the activities and roles which are covered by the clinical negligence scheme for general practice (“scheme”).

This clarifies that the scheme is designed to cover activities carried out under NHS primary medical care contracts and subcontracts from 1 April 2019, but not any other activities.

It has been confirmed that the scheme covers practice staff carrying out primary care network activities and roles, including clinical director functions.

Activities and roles which are not covered by the scheme include:

  • Acute services – these are covered by the clinical negligence scheme for trusts (CNST)
  • Appraisers – these are generally covered under NHS Resolution’s Liabilities to Third Parties Scheme (LTPS)
  • Cross border GPs – the scheme only covers GP services carried on as part of the NHS in England
  • Good samaritan acts
  • Medical reports that not required to be provided under the relevant NHS primary care contract or subcontract
  • Ministry of Defence commissioned healthcare
  • NHS 111 services provided under an NHS Standard Contract
  • Occupation health activities for staff who are not registered patients of the practice
  • Community pharmacy services
  • Public liability
  • Research design – this would usually be covered by the trial sponsor
  • Travel vaccinations for which the patient is required to pay
  • Volunteer activities (e.g. making tea for patients)

If you or your practice carries out any of these activities, you must ensure that you have appropriate cover.

A link to the NHS Resolution summary can be found HERE


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We have also developed a training programme on topical themes, which we would be happy to discuss with you. Download the training programme HERE.


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