Hempsons’ Charities and Social Enterprise Newsbrief Autumn/Winter 2019

Welcome to the Autumn/Winter 2019 edition of Hempsons’ Charities and Social Enterprise Newsbrief.

You will find a list of articles below.

We hope you find something of interest within the Newsbrief and if you have any queries or matters you would like us to cover in future issues or seminars, please do get in touch.

The newsbrief is available in full here.



  1. Welcome and round-up
    An update on the sector from Ian Hempseed.
  2. Academies update
    An update from Helen Hirst.
  3. Meetings and communication – are your members properly engaged?
    Nadeem Azhar discusses the options available to charities who want to streamline their membership and update how they communicate with members.
  4. Don’t ruin great messaging by lazy content management
    An article by Matt Donnelly. Charities and social enterprises often promote the great work that they do by publishing content, but when doing so, could you be breaching another person’s rights of ownership?
  5. System leadership is the future for charities
    An article by Craig Dearden-Phillips MBE.
  6. Collaborations – ask the right questions at the outset
    Ian Hempseed discusses the importance of early planning.
  7. Time to say goodbye?
    Julia Gray looks at how settlement agreements can be used effectively by employers.
  8. Procurement law
    An article by Andrew Daly. Have the lessons from Lancashire Care NHS Foundation Trust & Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust v Lancashire County Council been learnt?