NHS Dental Practices Year-End Reconciliation

Following the letter of preparedness issued on 22 December 2020 – see link HERE, NHS dental practices should be aware of their increased targets for the last quarter of the financial year and the proposed reconciliation and abatement processes for calculating any clawback and deemed activity. The guidance produced to support this letter can be found HERE.

For the period from 1st January – 31st March 2021, this includes the requirement to deliver a minimum 45% of contractual activity. A further abatement of 16.75% will apply to the undelivered activity for this period. Practices will also need to submit an annual declaration, together with supporting documentation. We understand that breaches of the relevant conditions could result in usual contractual arrangements (and clawback) being applied.

Although these requirements are subject to scrutiny by the BDA and others, practices should be aware of the position as it currently stands.

If you have any legal questions about the impact of COVID-19 on your dental practice, then please do get in touch.