CQC Key lines of enquiry

CQC Key lines of enquiry

Key Lines of enquiry, prompts and ratings characteristics for adult social care services

Calling social care providers of all shapes and sizes – have you read this document?

Its been around for a few years now and is the cornerstone of a CQC inspection into your service.

Read it! Use it! Mould your service delivery around it!

If you can deliver, on a plate, exactly what CQC are looking for, then there is no reason not to get green stars all round.

The document in split down into the 5 KLOEs – Safe, Effective, Responsive, Caring and Well-led.

The document takes you through the key questions and actions CQC are looking for in each KLOE and then goes on to describe what a service might look like in response to those questions, and what rating it should receive.

So split your team into 5 teams – allocate them each a KLOE and get them to work through their section and assess and analyse how the service currently meets (or doesn’t meet) the questions posed. Develop an action plan (CQC love an action plan!) setting out what changes you are going to make, when you are going to make them by and most importantly how you will measure success – and when CQC do next come to call – make sure you show them all the hard work the team have done to generate changes and improvements.

It might seem like a big task on top of everything else you have to do, but if you break it down into sections, and just do one question a week you’ll be amazed how all the little tweaks to your service will improve the quality of care for those people you support, will improve staff morale, and overall, should hopefully improve your CQC rating too!

CQC legal advice line

We can help with all your CQC issues. For 20 minutes free advice simply call Hempsons CQC advice line on 01423 724056 quoting ‘CQC legal advice line’ or email socialcare@hempsons.co.uk