Do you want to change or leave your PCN? Have you reviewed the 2021-2022 Network Specification?

If you are thinking of changing PCNs, leaving your PCN or opting out of the Network Contract DES, you must inform your CCG by 30th April at the latest.

The revised Network Contract DES Specification for 2021/22 was published at the end of March, and can be found HERE. Section 4 contains the provisions about participation and changing PCN.

Before taking any decisions you may want to consider what it is being offered for further funding and the additional flexibility which is included, together with the opportunity to participate in the achievement payments from the Investment and Impact Fund set out in Annex D.

Within your PCN, when agreeing what services and additional roles you will be seeking to take on and obtain funding for, and who will be employing and supervising and training those staff, remember to take the decisions in accordance with your Network Agreement and record the decisions clearly in your schedules for future reference. You may need to change your Agreement schedules.

If you have any questions regarding the 2021-2022 Network Specification, or if you would like to know how we can assist PCNs generally, please contact our specialist team.

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