Not an April Fools – procurement law changes: reminder!

As of the 1 April 2023 Contracting Authorities must consider, and implement where relevant, the following PPNs within their procurement activity:

  • PPN 02/23: Tackling Modern Slavery in Government Supply Chains – contracting authorities must identify and manage risks not only in their existing contracts and new contracts, but must also ensure modern slavery risks are identified and managed effectively in supply chains – full PPN 02/23 here
  • PPN 03/23: a new Standard Selection Questionnaire (“SQ”) – read our article on PPN 03/23 here
  • Carbon reduction plan requirements for the procurement of NHS goods, services and works – for central government contracts of £5m and above per annum you may ask potential suppliers to confirm their commitment towards achieving Net Zero by 2050 by providing a Carbon Reduction Plan (PPN 06/21), using the Carbon Reduction questions to ensure the necessary environmental management measures are in place – full PPN 06/21 here

Please contact us via the links below should you wish to discuss how we can assist you and your team, and find out more about our procurement team here.

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