Hempsons’ Regulatory & Crime team hosts the annual conference of the Pharmacy Law & Ethics Association

Adam Smith of Hempsons stood with PLEA Chair, David Reissner

On Tuesday 25th April, Hempsons’ Regulatory & Crime team hosted the annual conference of the Pharmacy Law & Ethics Association (PLEA), at our London office. The conference featured a number of fascinating talks covering a wide cross-section of issues currently of interest to pharmacists and those who work in the pharmacy or pharmaco-legal field.

Hempsons’ Regulatory and Crime team represents pharmacists and has significant experience of defending regulatory allegations, criminal allegations (including a large NHS Counter Fraud investigation which led to a 6-week Crown Court trial), and representation in inquests. Regulatory & Crime team partner, Adam Smith, shared the stage with PLEA Chair, David Reissner, giving a joint talk on Coroners’ courts and inquests involving pharmacy.

The conference was very well attended and a great opportunity for those attending to meet or catch up with colleagues in the field. We look forward to future PLEA events and to continuing to represent pharmacists.