CQC Factual Accuracy Challenges

Event overview

Webinar for Care England

CQC Factual Accuracy Challenges – why Providers big and small should use the process – top tips on how to do it yourself and succeed

Philippa Doyle, Head of Social Care, leads this webinar on CQC accuracy challenges.

Hempsons support providers in delivering quality services. Legal and regulatory advice include: CQC, GDPR, safeguarding, employment, property, corporate and commercial, charity law and dispute resolution.

Further support materials, a copy of any slides and the recording will be made available for those who register for the event.

Click here to book your free place

If you have any issues with your registration or any questions about the event, please contact Care England.

When and where?

Location Date Time
Webinar 1 April 2025 14:00-15:00


