Evidence Preparation to Maximise Scoring Under the Quality Statements

Event overview

Webinar for Care England

Philippa Doyle, Head of Social Care, leads the last in a series of four webinars relating to the CQC Single Assessment Framework Quality Statements, which have offered care providers crucial insight and guidance in meeting the CQC criteria. In the last of the series, Philippa will take you through evidence preparation essential to maximise the CQC scoring methodology under the quality statements

Hempsons support providers in delivering quality services. Legal and regulatory advice include: CQC, GDPR, safeguarding, employment, property, corporate and commercial, charity law and dispute resolution.

You can access the recordings of the first webinar, copy of the slides, FAQ HERE. Similarly, the second webinar recording, slides and FAQ HERE and the third HERE (after the 11th September)

Further support materials, a copy of any slides and the recording will be made available for those who register for the event.

Click here to book your free place

If you have any issues with your registration or any questions about the event, please contact Care England.

When and where?

Location Date Time
Webinar 3 December 2024 14:00-15:00



