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News articles

The Devon decision and remote examination: where to go from here?

When the decision in Devon Partnership NHS Trust v SSHC [2021] EWHC 101 (Admin) came out on 22 January 2021 we said “Don’t Panic”. Further analysis and feedback from clients suggests there is cause for, if not panic, then some concern about the implications. In particular, there is a cohort of patients on renewed CTOs whose outcomes may be adversely affected.

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Newsflash: Coronavirus and Critical Care

Ventilators and the number of critical care beds are a regular feature of the Government’s daily briefings and the questions posed by the media. This newsflash explores the guidance currently available and which of the current legal provisions will be held to apply.

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Managing disagreements around discharge arrangements

Hospitals across the country are coming under increasing pressure as a result of the current winter crisis. NHS Providers has written to Jeremy Hunt to outline concerns that the NHS does not have sufficient beds or staff to manage the volume of required admissions. The need for Trusts to promptly discharge patients who are well enough to leave hospital has never been more intense.

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