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Organ donation update

The Organ Donation (Deemed Consent) Act 2019 Regulations 2020, obtained Royal Assent in March 2019 but came into power on 20 May 2020. This means that Organ donation in England has moved to an “opt out” system. Click to read our summary.

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Newsflash: Coronavirus and Critical Care

Ventilators and the number of critical care beds are a regular feature of the Government’s daily briefings and the questions posed by the media. This newsflash explores the guidance currently available and which of the current legal provisions will be held to apply.

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Withdrawing clinically assisted nutrition and hydration: some clarity on mandatory court applications?

O'Farrell J handed down a judgment this morning confirming that it is not mandatory to bring before the Court of Protection the withdrawal of clinically assisted nutrition and hydration from Mr Y, who suffers from a prolonged disorder of consciousness, in circumstances where the clinical team and Mr Y's family are agreed that it is not in Mr Y's best interests to continue to receive that treatment.

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Key Legal Developments Update – June 2017

We’ve highlighted the latest key legal developments within healthcare. The below snapshot of information covers land mark rulings from mental health to inquests and a number of other interesting developments in the legal world.

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