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A non-binary approach is required

A recent Employment Tribunal claim has shed light on the extent of the protection offered by the gender reassignment provisions in the Equality Act. This article looks at some of the failings of the employer in that case and highlights some of the things that your Practice may need to be thinking about when it comes to diversity and inclusion.

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Upcoming legislative changes

With ongoing uncertainty surrounding the final terms under which the UK will leave the EU and whether this will take place on 29 March 2019 as planned or not, it is difficult to predict how Brexit may affect Employment Law. However, for practical purposes it seems likely that EU legislation will remain applicable in the UK (but perhaps on a different constitutional basis) unless or until it is amended by UK legislation. We are not expecting swift changes to Employment law and do not expect to see any significant changes prior to 31 December 2020 (the end of the proposed transition period).

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