Hempsons maintains its place on key NHS legal services framework - Hempsons - Hempsons

Hempsons maintains its place on key NHS legal services framework

Hempsons has retained its place for all Lots on the North of England Commercial Procurement Collaborative (NOE CPC) framework for the full range of legal services covering: NHS Governance and Public Law; Healthcare Law; Mental Health Law; Employment Law; Contract and Commercial Law; Property Law; and Corporate Finance and PFI.

The appointment means that Hempsons will continue to deliver services to NOE CPC member organisations across the country under the NOE CPC framework, as we have done since its inception. The new framework commences on 1 April 2021.

Client relationship partner for NOE CPC, Andrew Daly, commented: “Our reappointment to the NOE CPC legal services framework is an endorsement of our firm’s deep understanding of the healthcare sector. We are delighted to be working with NOE CPC and its members and our team is focused on continuing to add value to existing and new clients under this framework.”

Hempsons is a leading health and social care law firm and for the last two years has been recognised by The Times in its annual Best Law Firms League Table. The firm continues to provide legal services to NHS bodies nationwide under all of the major NHS legal services frameworks: NHS Resolution; HealthTrust Europe; NHS Shared Business Services (SBS); and NHS Commercial Solutions.