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New approach to CQC inspection

The Covid 19 pandemic has seen the way many services operate change, with many face to face services going on-line and digital in a way never seen before. One of those changes is seen with the new CQC approach to inspection.

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Make your merger magic – not manic

The last 12 months has seen practices working much more closely together to respond to the pandemic and to deliver the network contract DES in PCNs. Many practices, having seen the benefits of closer working, are now considering merging. In this article, Alison Oliver outlines some of the key issues to consider if you are thinking about merging with one or more other practices.

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Be prepared for the statutory COVID-19 public inquiry

Earlier this month NHS England told local NHS organisations that they must start preparing for the statutory public inquiry into the COVID-19 pandemic. Any organisation might be called upon to provide evidence for the statutory inquiry, and individuals may be required to give evidence under oath. Government said last month that a statutory public inquiry would begin in spring next year.

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If in doubt – declare!

In the case of Dad v GDC, [2021] EWHC 1376 (QB), the Honourable Mrs Justice Collins Rice considered the issue of declarations to the GDC in an application for restoration to the register.

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