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Introducing the Health and Care Bill Board…

The government’s health and care white paper “Integration and Innovation: working together to improve health and social care for all” was launched last week. It paves the way for a Health and Care Bill intended to increase collaboration and co-operation across the health and social care services.

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Some Legal Implications of the NHS Long Term Plan

Much has been written about the publication of the NHS Long Term Plan (“LTP”). The NHS Confederation has provided a particularly useful summary. The main focus of the plan is to implement a new service model, with particular focus on the improved access to services, early diagnosis and prevention of certain diseases (including diabetes, strokes, dementia and cancer), and improved access to mental health services for both adults and children. In order to improve access to services, the plan sets out ambitions for better integration between primary, secondary and community services for patients.

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Public procurement law post-Brexit

The Government has published the draft “Public Procurement (Amendment etc.) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019”. The draft Regulations mainly deal with housekeeping issues post-Brexit in that they either remove or replace with domestic equivalents, references to the European Union, the Commission and EU Directives in current legislation. The draft Regulations also deal with the administration of any further amendments to procurement legislation.

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