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News articles

What contract to use when taking on staff

Are you considering taking on staff, but unsure about the basis on which to engage them? Should you opt for a free-lancer, or offer an employment contract? This article addresses the most common questions about employment status, with particular focus on the risks and benefits of self-employment.

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Keep a close eye on your ‘shares’

The purpose of primary care networks is to bring practices together to work in an integrated way to deliver Directed Enhanced Services (DES). The payments for DES include staffing costs for employees who will work across the network to fulfil the contract.

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GDPR Your questions answered

25 May 2018 marked the introduction of the new General Data Protection Regulation in the UK in the form of the Data Protection Act 2018 and we have been answering many clients’ HR-related questions on the new legislation.

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Holiday pay update

Over the last few years the courts have increasingly ruled more types of payments ought to be included in holiday pay calculations. However, the prevailing view has been that only compulsory overtime need be included...

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The National Minimum Wage, Sleep-In Shifts and the Social Care Sector – Update on HMRC Enforcement

On 26 July 2017, HM Revenue and Customs (‘HMRC’) suspended enforcement action against employers in the social care sector in relation to the National Minimum Wage (‘NMW’)/National Living Wage (‘NLW’). This decision followed on from the decision in the Mencap case (Focus Care Agency Limited v Roberts, Frudd v The Partington Group Limited, and Royal Mencap Society v Tomlinson Blake, 2017). The decision that a care worker could be “working” whilst asleep highlighted a significant liability in the care sector, where workers traditionally have been paid a fixed sleep-in allowance, and were often paid below the NMW/NLW.

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Healthcare newsbrief: Winter 2017 edition now available

Welcome to the winter edition of Hempsons’ Healthcare Newsbrief. Many of you will be reading this at the NHS Providers conference where many of the issues we are writing about – from moving towards digital records to the issues around moving to an accountable care organisation – will be either discussed or on the minds of delegates...

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