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The changing landscape of health and social care

Next Steps on the Five Year Forward View (March 2017) sets out plans for the transition of the NHS to population-based integrated health systems. This will be achieved by the evolution of Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships (STPs) into ‘accountable care’ models. So what is accountable care, what will it look like in the NHS and how will it affect smaller providers such as charities and social enterprises?

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Global Digital Exemplars – Managing the innovation process

Innovation is an integral part of any quest for digital maturity and technology underpins most innovative projects. Moving data and services from an offline, paper based environment online necessitates a new way of thinking, new processes and procedures and often new methodologies and technologies to facilitate the transformation.

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Fit for the future – our NHS legislation wish list

Whilst politicians fight over the bloody remains of the June 2017 election there is likely to remain a broad political consensus that health and social care integration is desirable. NHS and local authority leaders will continue to try to implement sustainability and transformation plans (STPs) and develop accountable care systems (ACSs).

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