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A non-binary approach is required

A recent Employment Tribunal claim has shed light on the extent of the protection offered by the gender reassignment provisions in the Equality Act. This article looks at some of the failings of the employer in that case and highlights some of the things that your Practice may need to be thinking about when it comes to diversity and inclusion.

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CQC – staff training for care staff

As a Registered Manager of a regulated activity, you have a personal responsibility to ensure your service operates in accordance with the Fundamental Standards as set out in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014.

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Introducing the Health and Care Bill Board…

The government’s health and care white paper “Integration and Innovation: working together to improve health and social care for all” was launched last week. It paves the way for a Health and Care Bill intended to increase collaboration and co-operation across the health and social care services.

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Primary Care – the impact of the White Paper

The main thrust of the paper is to put ICS (integrated Care Systems) onto a statutory footing, and provide the statutory foundation for the reforms which are a progression of the Five Year Forward View (which was published 7 years ago now) and the NHS Long Term Plan published in 2019.

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Custodial sentence for exaggerated claim against the NHS

Linda Metcalf has received an immediate 6-month custodial sentence for her deliberate attempt to defraud the NHS and deceive the Court.  She has also been ordered to pay the Trust’s costs of the proceedings.  Sentence was passed by Mr Justice Griffiths in the Leeds District Registry on 11.02.21. 

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