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Hempsons inquest podcasts – No1

Welcome to the first in Hempsons’ series of inquests podcasts with Liz Stokes and Elspeth Rose from Hempsons healthcare advisory team. These podcasts will take listeners through the journey of an inquest from start to finish, giving helpful background and advice.

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Henderson v Dorset Healthcare University NHS Foundation Trust [2020]

Pleading ex turpi causa is attractive for defence solicitors but, historically, it has been a difficult defence to succeed with. Defendants needed to establish both causation (that the injury was caused by the illegal act, rather than the alleged negligence) and proportionality (that the crime was so serious that the claimant should not be awarded damages).

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Are you ready for your CQC IPC Inspection?

Are you ready for your CQC IPC Inspection? Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) has always been an important part of delivering a Regulated Activity in any health and social care setting, but the advent of COVID-19 has brought IPC to the forefront of every provider’s mind.

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Claimant found guilty of criminal act cannot claim damages against negligent NHS trust

The Supreme Court has now handed down its judgment in the long and sad case of Ecila Henderson v Dorset Healthcare University NHS Foundation Trust. The judgment puts to rest the issue of whether a claimant who has been found guilty of a criminal act can recover damages from the party whose original negligence gave rise to the situation where the claimant was able to commit the criminal act.

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Supply and demand in the time of Covid

With a busy flu vaccination season, surgeries have had to juggle supplies with unprecedented demand - In ordinary circumstances surgeries, without a wholesale dealers license, are not permitted to share vaccines amongst themselves. Though in the past the MHRA has issued an exemption allowing this

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