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Newsflash: Private GP Services – not under my roof!

Recently published NHS England guidance on the new GMS contract (Click here to read guidance), outlines a new blanket ban on GPs advertising and hosting private GP services from within their surgery  premises.  The changes mark a sea change and are potentially a major threat to a number of existing practice business models.

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Sharing staff across a network

The concept behind primary care networks is to bring practices together and work in an integrated way across Directed Enhanced Services (DES). The payments for DES include staff, so they will be working across the practices and different employers.

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Higher standards expected of NHS trusts before dismissal for capability

The recent case of Muller v London Ambulance Service NHS Trust has emphasised the need for NHS Trusts, as large, sophisticated employers with significant administrative resources, to take a more cautious approach and exhaust every other option before dismissing an employee by reason of capability. Mr Muller’s dismissal was found to be unfair and discriminatory, despite the fact that he had been absent from work for a year and had no predicted return-to-work date at the time he was dismissed.

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Don’t do Facebook

Facebook is not a good place to air workplace grievances as Mr Atherton discovered in his claim of unfair dismissal against his employer, Bensons Vending Limited. It appears staff morale was low after the company reduced its discretionary Christmas bonus due to financial constraints – the bonus becoming a gift of a bottle of alcohol.

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