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News articles

The role of Federations and GP provider organisations going forward

It's been reported in Pulse that GP federations will not count as primary care networks 'in most cases’ and that “Practices will have just a couple of months to join new primary care networks if they are to qualify for a significant amount of funding being invested in the organisations by NHS England" - all part of the new five-year framework for GP contract reform to implement The NHS Long Term Plan.

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Some Legal Implications of the NHS Long Term Plan

Much has been written about the publication of the NHS Long Term Plan (“LTP”). The NHS Confederation has provided a particularly useful summary. The main focus of the plan is to implement a new service model, with particular focus on the improved access to services, early diagnosis and prevention of certain diseases (including diabetes, strokes, dementia and cancer), and improved access to mental health services for both adults and children. In order to improve access to services, the plan sets out ambitions for better integration between primary, secondary and community services for patients.

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Intellectual Property and Health Tech – potential pitfalls

Technology and innovation is at the forefront of current medical practice, with new software, apps and websites being released regularly. This article is designed to offer an overview of some of the potential mistakes you could make if you are considering the development of your own health technology from the intellectual property (IP) perspective.

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Upcoming legislative changes

With ongoing uncertainty surrounding the final terms under which the UK will leave the EU and whether this will take place on 29 March 2019 as planned or not, it is difficult to predict how Brexit may affect Employment Law. However, for practical purposes it seems likely that EU legislation will remain applicable in the UK (but perhaps on a different constitutional basis) unless or until it is amended by UK legislation. We are not expecting swift changes to Employment law and do not expect to see any significant changes prior to 31 December 2020 (the end of the proposed transition period).

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Update – Tax changes to termination payments

Back in the 2016 Budget, the government announced that from April 2018, it would “reform and simplify” the taxation of termination payments. Following a technical consultation, the reforms expanded and now aim to "clarify and tighten" (i.e. increase) the taxation of such payments.

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Property related delays: Prevention the best cure?

In the past year, Hempsons have acted for a wide range of dental clients on a variety of different transactions. We have acted for sole practitioners retiring and selling their practice, dental corporates buying shares in other dental companies and practitioners starting out on their first venture alone.

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New NHS dental contract – what to expect

There have been rumours for the last few years about how the NHS dental contract is going to be revolutionised, with varying degrees of suggested change. Action has however now been taken to put some of these theories into action to test potential new forms of the NHS dental contract.

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