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News articles

Hempsons’ Healthcare Newsbrief 2018

Welcome to this autumn edition of Hempsons’ Healthcare Newsbrief. It has been a busy few months for the NHS in the legal system with some ground-breaking decisions on key areas such as withdrawing clinically-assisted nutrition and hydration, fitness to practice and procurement.

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Inadequate record keeping invalidates contract award

Hempsons recently acted on behalf of Lancashire Care NHS Foundation Trust and Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (the “Trusts”) in successfully challenging Lancashire County Council (the “Council”) in relation to a procurement challenge for the provision of 0 – 19 services.

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Civil Society Strategy

The Government published its Civil Society Strategy on 9th August 2018. The focus is on community, an ‘even bigger’ society, and creating ‘social value’ – something that the Government states as being independent of state control.

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Trust Matters

“Trust Matters”. These are the bywords of the Charity Commission for its recent report on public trust in charities, issued in July 2018.

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