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Being Paid to Sleep? Royal Mencap Society v Tomlinson-Blake

In Royal Mencap Society v Tomlinson-Blake the Court of Appeal has determined that workers who “sleep in” at their workplace are not entitled to receive national minimum wage for periods when they are asleep. This is because time spent asleep in this way is properly characterised as time when an employee is ‘available for work’ rather than time when they are actually working.

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How to avoid a GMC referral

There is probably nothing anyone can do to entirely eliminate the risk of a GMC referral.  Sometimes, it is down to just plain bad luck.  It is certainly often nothing to do with your abilities as a doctor, and that’s important to remember if you are unlucky enough to receive the dreaded GMC letter.

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GDPR one month on – are you compliant yet?

GDPR day – 25th May 2018 – came and went with a flurry of Privacy Notices and Policies filling our in-boxes but did everyone take stock of their data and their responsibilities or are there thousands of businesses out there who are yet to up-date their systems and processes?

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