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CQC Complaints

They may be your regulator, but that doesn’t stop you complaining about their conduct. The CQC and its inspectors should treat you, your staff and your clients with courtesy and respect. If they don’t – complain! Send an email to

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Client spotlight: Lister House Limited

In this issue we are turning the spotlight on Lister House Limited, a care home provider on the outskirts of Bradford, owned by Sally Allen. The company aims to provide quality care for both elderly people and younger residents.

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Brightening Minds

Brightening Minds partners with Hempsons to support the adult social sector to improve CQC ratings Feel in control of your next CQC inspection with tips, suggestions and support from experienced practicebased workshop facilitators and other working colleagues in the adult care sector.

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Consultant’s collaborative working arrangements

It is quite common for consultants to join together and work more collaboratively. This can ease the burden of working alone and being solely responsible for all costs and expenses. Working together can alleviate some of that pressure and assist in moving a business forward. 

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What to consider when purchasing a care home – The legal aspects

Buying a care home is a complex business transaction which will require considerable time and dedication on your part. Whilst the rewards will no doubt be satisfying, the legal process is not always straight forward and it requires input from specialist legal advisors who are experts in both business law and health and social care law.

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Lasting Powers of Attorney – Considerations for providers

An LPA is a legal document registered with the Office of the Public Guardian, which names another (an ‘attorney’) to make best interest decisions on their behalf (‘the donor’).  Anyone who currently has capacity can appoint an attorney to make decisions on their behalf, should they lose the capacity to do so themselves in the future.

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