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Indemnity cover – what you need to know

All doctors and other healthcare professionals should be aware of the need for insurance or indemnity cover, but from time to time I am referred a client who, for one reason or another, doesn’t have cover for a case – be it civil litigation, regulatory (GMC) proceedings or a criminal investigation. This can be a disaster for many reasons.

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Revalidation – a trap for the unwary?

All doctors will be aware of the need to revalidate and the GMC’s responsibilities in this regard. Revalidation is the process by which doctors are required to demonstrate that they are up to date and fit to practise.  Doctors must revalidate every five years, and in order to do so they must have annual appraisals based on the GMC’s guidance, Good Medical Practice.

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January 2018 – Procurement threshold limits to increase

The European Commission announced revised threshold limits for public procurements on 19th December 2017, together with the official rates for converting these limits into pounds sterling. These revised limits will apply from 1 January 2018 to all contract opportunities arising on or after that date.

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Welcome to Hempsons’ Dental Newsbrief

2017 has certainly been a year of mixed fortunes for the UK dental profession. The continuing collateral damage caused by the UDA system in England and Wales has been heightened by the scale of the financial clawbacks from NHS contract holders – these clawbacks have become more frequent, and they are often larger. But the less obvious and more troubling consequence is that this money recovered from dental contract holders is being redeployed elsewhere in the NHS rather than being reinvested in dentistry, and is effectively a cut in dental funding.

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The delicate balance – ill health dismissals

Deciding when is appropriate to terminate the employment of an employee who has been long term absent due to ill health is a difficult decision. The Court of Appeal’s decision in O’Brien v Bolton St Catherine’s Academy [2017] EWCA Civ 145 provides some useful guidance on this issue

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Is your dental practice ready for GDPR?

The current law governing the use of personal data in the UK is the Data Protection Act 1998 (“DPA”). The law will change on 25 May 2018 when the European General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679) (“GDPR”) will come into effect.

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24 hour NHS retirement – piece of cake, right?

Afraid not! The process for 24 hour retirement from your NHS contract can be complex and will take quite some time. Faisal Dhalla, a partner in the specialist commercial dental team at Hempsons shares his tips and advice for ensuring your 24 hour retirement goes smoothly.

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