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GDPR How it affects health and social care businesses

Keeping confidential information about staff and patients secure is a responsibility businesses operating in the health and social care sectors have taken seriously for a long time. But the requirements are about to increase. From May 2018, organisations will need to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), an EU regulation.

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NHS Improvement publishes revised Transactions Guidance

NHS Improvement (NHSI) has published Transactions guidance - for trusts undertaking transactions, including mergers and acquisitions which replaces Monitor’s previous guidance Supporting NHS providers: guidance on transactions for NHS foundation trusts (updated March 2015) and the NHS Trust Development Authority’s transactions guidance in Delivering for patients: the 2015/16 Accountability Framework for NHS trust boards (June 2015).

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Newsflash: NHS Improvement publishes revised Transactions Guidance

NHS Improvement (NHSI) has published Transactions guidance - for trusts undertaking transactions, inlcuding mergers and acquisitions which replaces Monitor’s previous guidance supporting NHS providers: guidance on transactions for NHS foundation trusts (updated March 2015) and the NHS Trust Development Authority’s transactions guidance in delivering for patients: the 2015/16 Accountability Framework for NHS trust boards (June 2015).

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What are your obligations with The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) – are you going to be ready?

Certain types of personal data must be treated with particular care due to the sensitive nature of that personal data. This is of course common sense. ‘Health’ comes under what the ICO (Information Commissioner’s Office) calls the ‘special category’, making it a mandatory obligation to comply with the GDPR and more especially if you work in the health professional field.

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Spring social care seminars – a review

Integral to our commitment to the health and social care sector is the provision of free high quality education and training on legal topics for the sector. It was in that vein that we welcomed more than 100 people – mainly social care providers – to our Spring social care seminars held in Harrogate and Manchester.

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Withdrawing clinically assisted nutrition and hydration: some clarity on mandatory court applications?

O'Farrell J handed down a judgment this morning confirming that it is not mandatory to bring before the Court of Protection the withdrawal of clinically assisted nutrition and hydration from Mr Y, who suffers from a prolonged disorder of consciousness, in circumstances where the clinical team and Mr Y's family are agreed that it is not in Mr Y's best interests to continue to receive that treatment.

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Schrödinger’s consent: ARB v IVF Hammersmith Limited & R

The doctor-patient relationship relies on mutual trust: to assume that every patient may be dishonest would cast a shadow over a doctor’s interaction with his patient. Unfortunately, however, there are rare occasions when patients intentionally mislead healthcare professionals, sometimes with grave consequences...

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Holiday pay update

Over the last few years the courts have increasingly ruled more types of payments ought to be included in holiday pay calculations. However, the prevailing view has been that only compulsory overtime need be included...

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Accountable care – the art of the possible

The NHS continues to develop plans for population-based integrated health systems. ‘A seven step guide to accountable care’ which we co-produced with NHS Providers earlier this year addressed  in brief how NHS organisations might respond to proposals for...

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