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Farewell to ET fees, but what next?

For the last four years, an employee wanting to take a case to an employment tribunal has had to pay a fee of up to £1,200. For many lower paid employees – or where relatively little money was at stake – this fee may have been a deterrent to starting action...

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GDPR – are you ready?

Keeping confidential information about staff and patients secure is a responsibility NHS organisations have taken seriously for a long time. But the requirements on them are about to increase. From May 2018, organisations will need to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), an EU regulation.

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The National Minimum Wage, Sleep-In Shifts and the Social Care Sector – Update on HMRC Enforcement

On 26 July 2017, HM Revenue and Customs (‘HMRC’) suspended enforcement action against employers in the social care sector in relation to the National Minimum Wage (‘NMW’)/National Living Wage (‘NLW’). This decision followed on from the decision in the Mencap case (Focus Care Agency Limited v Roberts, Frudd v The Partington Group Limited, and Royal Mencap Society v Tomlinson Blake, 2017). The decision that a care worker could be “working” whilst asleep highlighted a significant liability in the care sector, where workers traditionally have been paid a fixed sleep-in allowance, and were often paid below the NMW/NLW.

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Healthcare newsbrief: Winter 2017 edition now available

Welcome to the winter edition of Hempsons’ Healthcare Newsbrief. Many of you will be reading this at the NHS Providers conference where many of the issues we are writing about – from moving towards digital records to the issues around moving to an accountable care organisation – will be either discussed or on the minds of delegates...

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NHS Counter Fraud Authority

On 2 November 2017 the NHS Counter Fraud Authority has launched. It is tasked to ‘lead the fight against fraud, bribery and corruption in the NHS’. The new organisation replaces NHS Protect.

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Spotlight: SH:24

We spoke to Dr. Gillian Holdsworth, Managing Director of SH:24 about the background of the service, its aims, and what the future holds. Dr Holdsworth is a medically qualified public health consultant who works in population health.

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Choosing a brand

We all know the key role your brand plays in building awareness of your charity with its beneficiaries and in driving engagement with donors, but how do you maximise and protect its value?

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HCPC Success

Adam Smith recently represented a social/youth worker on an application by the Health & Care Professions Council for an interim order restricting his registration.

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Can an Investigation be Too Thorough?

In NHS 24 v Pillar the Employment Appeal Tribunal (“EAT”) has overturned a Tribunal’s decision that a disciplinary investigation was too thorough and it was unfair to include details of prior incidents which had not resulted in disciplinary action.

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