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“Sleep-ins” – a bad dream?

Sleep-ins have become a difficult and worrying problem for many social care providers in recent years. It is an issue live in current politics and one which is subject to regulatory intervention and litigation.

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The changing landscape of health and social care

Next Steps on the Five Year Forward View (March 2017) sets out plans for the transition of the NHS to population-based integrated health systems. This will be achieved by the evolution of Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships (STPs) into ‘accountable care’ models. So what is accountable care, what will it look like in the NHS and how will it affect smaller providers such as charities and social enterprises?

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The end of DOLS?

On 13 March 2017, the Law Commission published its report on the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (“DOLS”) with proposals for their replacement.

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Client Spotlight – Future Directions CIC

Our client spotlight focuses on Future Directions CIC, a not-for-profit social care provider based in Oldham. Future Directions was originally set up in 2012 as a subsidiary of Calderstones NHS Trust, and spun out to become a separate entity in April 2015. It is a values-based organisation that believes by living out its values it makes a real difference to people’s lives. We spoke to MD Paula Braynion about the organisation’s journey so far, the challenges it has faced, and plans for the future. Paula previously worked in the NHS as a Director of Operations, Deputy Chief Executive and Director of Nursing.

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Manchester Trusts complete landmark merger

On 1 October 2017 Central Manchester University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (CMFT) and University Hospital of South Manchester NHS Foundation Trust (UHSM) merged to form the largest NHS foundation trust in the country: Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust (MFT).

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Dr Carneiro

Former client, Dr Eva Carneiro (see news, 7 June 2016) has given an interview to French journalists.

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Social Enterprise: all aboard?

It was something I heard debated around the time the Social Value Act was being put together: an earlier draft of the legislation had included a definition of ‘social enterprise’ with the idea being that only social enterprises (with a capital ‘S’ and a capital ‘E’) could benefit. However, this was ultimately rejected in the parliamentary process leaving open the possibility that anyone who wanted to (even the private sector) could offer social value as part of a public sector procurement process and get the same credit for it as a CIC or a charity or someone else traditionally seen as part of the ‘not for profit’ sector.

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Health start-ups: Generating revenue from intellectual property

Doctors in private practice and private healthcare operators are often innovators, developing software, equipment and treatments, and building a ‘brand.’ Using these more widely, both in British healthcare and further afield, could bring benefits to patients - and private practitioners are often keen to help this happen. However, they need to consider what happens to their intellectual property in their innovations. IP is a valuable asset – as is being increasingly realised by the NHS – and needs protecting.

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Digital transformation – are you prepared?

The Global Digital Exemplar programme was borne out of the recognised need for digital transformation to be undertaken by the UK’s heath system to ensure its future sustainability and maintain its ability to deliver high standards of care.

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Voluntary overtime v. right to holiday pay

Regular voluntary overtime be taken into account when calculating holiday pay. The EAT has confirmed in Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council v Willetts and Others that “remuneration linked to overtime work that was performed on a voluntary basis could be included in normal remuneration for calculating holiday pay”.

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