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Global Digital Exemplars – Data protection

As a GDE or Fast Follower you will undoubtedly be looking to digitise data which has previously been not held in electronic form. You may also be migrating electronic records to new systems or joining up or sharing data sets for the first time. All of these activities ring alarm bells for the Information Governance specialists whose immediate concern will be – can this be done within the law?

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Global Digital Exemplars – GDE and procuring technology

In an article in digitalhealth in July 2017, Matthew Swindells, NHS England’s national director for operations and information, was reported as stating at a conference that “At the core of the GDE model is the idea that we should be learning from each other. If the GDE and fast follower model goes well in the future, nobody will run procurements to buy IT systems again”.

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Global Digital Exemplars – Managing the innovation process

Innovation is an integral part of any quest for digital maturity and technology underpins most innovative projects. Moving data and services from an offline, paper based environment online necessitates a new way of thinking, new processes and procedures and often new methodologies and technologies to facilitate the transformation.

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