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News articles

Revalidation – a trap for the unwary?

All doctors will be aware of the need to revalidate and the GMC’s responsibilities in this regard. Revalidation is the process by which doctors are required to demonstrate that they are up to date and fit to practise. Doctors must revalidate every five years, and in order to do so they must have annual appraisals based on the GMC’s guidance, Good Medical Practice.

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Health start-ups: Look to the future – a round-up

"Look to the future now: it's only just begun". So sang Wolverhampton glam-rockers Slade in their well-known Christmas hit. Whilst I accept that it is still probably a little early to be getting ready for Christmas, these particular words nevertheless seem an apt way of bringing to a close our series of articles on healthcare start-ups and the increasing use of apps and technology for delivering health services.

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Health start-ups: Online healthcare businesses – the data protection issues

The way services are accessed has been transformed by the changes in technology over the past decade and these developments present exciting opportunities for transforming how healthcare can be delivered however, when seeking to develop new opportunities, it is essential to have a clear understanding on the law governing the use of data and ensure that these considerations are incorporated into any project from the outset.

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Key Legal Developments Update – June 2017

We’ve highlighted the latest key legal developments within healthcare. The below snapshot of information covers land mark rulings from mental health to inquests and a number of other interesting developments in the legal world.

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Opt in, opt out, shake it all about?

Charities have had something of a bumpy ride lately… and the bad news is that it’s not over yet. On top of increasing scrutiny of fundraising carried out by charities, data protection law and the Information Commissioner has now come to the fore with some big-name charities fined for data protection breaches.

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Fit for the future – our NHS legislation wish list

Whilst politicians fight over the bloody remains of the June 2017 election there is likely to remain a broad political consensus that health and social care integration is desirable. NHS and local authority leaders will continue to try to implement sustainability and transformation plans (STPs) and develop accountable care systems (ACSs).

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Data protection – getting it right

Dentists across the UK will be all too familiar with the Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA) but possibly not yet accustomed to the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which will apply from 25 May 2018. Notwithstanding Brexit, the UK government has indicated that it will implement the new regime.

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Newsflash: Digital Health Services and the CQC

Building on the CQC guidance issued in March this year for digital health providers (see the CQC has issued an update on issues uncovered in a number of recent inspections, particularly in relation to online prescribing.

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