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You need to know the PGM 2024

NHS England released its updated Primary Medical Care Policy and Guidance Manual (PGM) this week. The PGM is used by the Integrated Care Boards to manage all aspects of general practice and helps to interpret and implement the various legislative regulations and directions which govern the sector.

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When partnerships go bad

Mounting pressures in general practice are leading to more disputes among partners. Ross Clark and Robert McCartney give some legal opinion on your options if it happens to you.

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Opportunity knocks for GP provider organisations

The new Health and Care Bill published in the summer sets out how the government plans to reform health services and achieve better integration between health and care in England. Ross Clark and Alison Oliver explore some of its key elements and its implications for general practice.

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Help to ease the pain of partnership disputes

Partnership disputes are time-consuming, costly, stressful and de-stabilising for a practice and the individuals involved. But unfortunately, they are also more prevalent when partners are under pressure, as during the Covid-19 pandemic. Alison Oliver and Ross Clark explore common causes of partnership disputes, how to prevent them happening and what to do if one arises in your practice

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Primary Care – the impact of the White Paper

The main thrust of the paper is to put ICS (integrated Care Systems) onto a statutory footing, and provide the statutory foundation for the reforms which are a progression of the Five Year Forward View (which was published 7 years ago now) and the NHS Long Term Plan published in 2019.

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Contract changes for 2021/22 announced

NHS England issued a letter on 21 January 2021 summarising changes to the GMS contract for 2021/2022. Ongoing uncertainty arising from the pandemic means that there will need to be further changes to the contract in the course of the year.

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Checked your Covid-19 Collaboration Agreement?

With the roll out of the Covid-19 vaccination programme by general practice starting next week, practices need to agree the terms on which they will collaborate to deliver the programme in accordance with the vaccination enhanced service specification

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Supply and demand in the time of Covid

With a busy flu vaccination season, surgeries have had to juggle supplies with unprecedented demand - In ordinary circumstances surgeries, without a wholesale dealers license, are not permitted to share vaccines amongst themselves. Though in the past the MHRA has issued an exemption allowing this

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