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Top tips for managing vexatious families

Helen Claridge looks at the increase in cases where tensions between care providers and the families of service users are escalating to disputes and even placement failures and offeres tips for managing these difficult situations.

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Getting ready for the COVID-19 public inquiry

As we reported in June 2021, local NHS organisations have been told that they must start preparing for the statutory public inquiry into the COVID-19 pandemic which is expected to begin in spring 2022. Any organisation can be called upon to provide evidence for the statutory inquiry, and individuals may be required to give evidence under oath. With extensive public inquiry experience, Hempsons is here to help.

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Advance care planning – a difficult path to tread?

Advance care planning which is patient specific will not only ensure it acts as a protector of patients’ rights and wishes, but will also be a shield for clinicians against complaint or claim and is an essential tool for providers in ensuring a comprehensive service.

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Newsflash: Coronavirus and Critical Care

Ventilators and the number of critical care beds are a regular feature of the Government’s daily briefings and the questions posed by the media. This newsflash explores the guidance currently available and which of the current legal provisions will be held to apply.

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Hempsons’ Healthcare Newsbrief 2018

Welcome to this autumn edition of Hempsons’ Healthcare Newsbrief. It has been a busy few months for the NHS in the legal system with some ground-breaking decisions on key areas such as withdrawing clinically-assisted nutrition and hydration, fitness to practice and procurement.

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Withdrawing clinically assisted nutrition and hydration: some clarity on mandatory court applications?

O'Farrell J handed down a judgment this morning confirming that it is not mandatory to bring before the Court of Protection the withdrawal of clinically assisted nutrition and hydration from Mr Y, who suffers from a prolonged disorder of consciousness, in circumstances where the clinical team and Mr Y's family are agreed that it is not in Mr Y's best interests to continue to receive that treatment.

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