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News articles

Are you ready for employment claims?

Anyone who has been involved in litigation understands that it can be stressful, time-consuming and expensive, even if you have a good case. Julia Gray discusses three ways to put yourself in the best possible position to defend an employment tribunal claim.

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What happens in the hearing itself

In her last of three articles about employment tribunals, which can cost doctor employers many thousands of pounds if they lose, solicitor Julia Gray explains what to expect if you face a hearing.

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Prepare your case for a tribunal

In her article last month, Julia Gray described the process of responding to an employment tribunal claim. Here she considers the steps to prepare the case for hearing or otherwise resolve the claim. Directions – also known as ‘case management orders’ – will be set out in writing by the tribunal telling the parties how to prepare the case for the final hearing. 

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Don’t get crushed by staff litigation

Independent practitioners inevitably find litigation can be stressful, time-consuming and expensive.  In the first of a series of three articles about the employment tribunal process, Julia Gray explains the key stages and how doctors who employ staff can avoid common pitfalls experienced by others.

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Newsflash: Supreme Court ruling in the Mencap v Tomlinson-Blake case

The Supreme Court has this morning ruled in Mencap v Tomlinson-Blake that calculation of national minimum wage (NMW) for sleep-in care workers only needs to include time when they are awake for the purpose of working. Where the employer provides suitable facilities for sleeping, time spent sleeping is not included in the calculation.

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Updates to Furlough Guidance

In the last week the government has released two further versions of the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme guidance. The scheme is due to go live on Monday 20 April. We know some practices have been considering furloughing staff, although it is not entirely clear whether they are eligible.   

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Furlough Guidance Updated

The guidance for employers on the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme was updated on 4 April 2020. The scheme allows employers to furlough staff and claim back part of their wages. The new guidance adds detail and some clarifications to the original HMRC guidance published on 26 March, but many questions remain.

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