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No bid, no chance?

On 20 February 2023, the High Court handed down judgment in InHealth Intelligence Ltd v NHS England [2023] EWHC 352 (TCC). Hempsons procurement team discusses the judgment.

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Case Law Update: abandoning a procurement fails to dispose of challenge

The recent judgment in the case of Amey Highways Limited and West Sussex County Council [2019] EWHC 1291 (TCC) deals in detail with the implications of abandonment and the effect of an abandonment decision on an existing claim. The Council had undertaken a competitive dialogue process to select a provider of highways maintenance services. Amey were unsuccessful in that competition by a difference in score of 0.03% against the winning bidder, Ringway.

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Newsflash: Automatic suspension maintained – first automatic suspension case post NDA

Hempsons acted on behalf of Lancashire Care NHS Foundation Trust and Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (the “Trusts”) in resisting an application made by Lancashire County Council (the “Council”) to lift the automatic suspension in a procurement challenge. As a result of the claim issued by the Trusts at the end of last year, the Council were automatically suspended from signing the contract with Virgin Care Services Limited (“Virgin”). The Council made an application to lift the automatic suspension. The lifting application was heard on 25 January 2018, and the Court’s judgment has now been handed down.

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Managing disagreements around discharge arrangements

Hospitals across the country are coming under increasing pressure as a result of the current winter crisis. NHS Providers has written to Jeremy Hunt to outline concerns that the NHS does not have sufficient beds or staff to manage the volume of required admissions. The need for Trusts to promptly discharge patients who are well enough to leave hospital has never been more intense.

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