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EU workers’ healthcare qualifications to be recognised after Brexit

Regardless of which side of the Brexit debate you are on, the Government has recently provided some much needed clarity to the health sector. The Department for Health and Social Care (DHSC) has confirmed that health and social care workers with professional qualifications from the EU will be able to continue to practise in the UK, even in the event of a ‘No Deal’ Brexit.

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The Good Work Plan – An Update

The Taylor Review of Modern Working Practices was published the following year in July 2017 and set out a list of over 50 recommendations which were aimed at improving the working life and employment rights of agency, casual, zero hour and low paid workers. In response to the Taylor review, the government has now published the Good Work Plan, which sets out workplace reforms focusing on “fair and decent work”, “clarity for employers and workers” and “fairer enforcement”.

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Update – Tax changes to termination payments

Back in the 2016 Budget, the government announced that from April 2018, it would “reform and simplify” the taxation of termination payments. Following a technical consultation, the reforms expanded and now aim to "clarify and tighten" (i.e. increase) the taxation of such payments.

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Sleep-ins – should they form a part of the National Minimum Wage calculation?

The long awaited appeal by Mencap has now been considered by the Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT). This appeal is based on the way care is provided, predominantly in the social care sector but also has an impact on healthcare providers too. In recognition of the importance to the sector, this appeal was heard by Mrs Justice Simler, the President of the EAT, and brought together three separate appeals. Mencap operate their sleep-ins in common with most social care providers and pay a mostly flat rate sleep-in payment. They were unsuccessful in arguing that the hours during sleep-in shifts were not to be taken into account in calculating the National Minimum Wage.

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