Stephen Evans

Stephen’s work covers some very technical legal areas but the overall theme is ‘dispute resolution’. He always looks for pragmatic solutions, without compromising your position. Where appropriate, Stephen’s advice on the law, options and risks will bear in mind any long term ongoing therapeutic relationship and that the resolution of acute problems needs to support, not undermine that.

In 2009 Stephen obtained his Master’s degree in Mental Health Law. His final project brought together his mental health and capacity experience by considering the problems in developing the deprivation of liberty safeguards. Please contact Stephen if you would like a copy.

Main areas of expertise

  • mental health law, advising on all aspects of the legal framework
  • capacity and consent, both adults under the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and children under legislation and the common law
  • deprivation of liberty, bringing together mental health and capacity expertise
  • inquests and inquiries including representing clients and supporting witnesses at inquests, assisting with and reviewing SUI reports, and advising on independent inquiries
  • provision of healthcare services including provision of specific treatments, establishing and maintaining complex care packages, and funding issues

All of these areas can and do involve court proceedings. Stephen regularly appears at inquests and deals with significant cases in the Court of Protection and High Court.

The clients he works with

  • mental health trusts
  • acute trusts
  • care trusts
  • strategic health authorities
  • private healthcare providers

“Stephen is really experienced and prepares the client really well.” (Chambers and Partners)

“The ‘tirelessly hard-working’ Stephen Evans recently represented Bristol District Care Trust in a mental health tribunal challenge.” (Chambers and Partners)

“…a dynamic and motivated lawyer who will go to the nth degree for his clients.” (Chambers and Partners)

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  • Legal 500 2019
    “Hugely experienced.”