What we do

We act for approximately 140 NHS bodies across the country, working with trusts, foundation trusts, integrated care boards and other national and local bodies. Our leading lawyers advise on the full range of legal services needed by NHS organisations, and work closely with bodies such as NHS Providers, the Healthcare People Management Association and the Health Care Supply Association.

Our lawyers have been closely involved in many of the key legal issues to affect the NHS in recent years, including advising NHS bodies on their preparations for the public inquiry into the COVID-19 pandemic, the NHS People Plan, ground-breaking treatment cases, procurement challenges and the move to integrated care systems.

NHS trusts and foundation trusts

We work with some 120 trusts and foundation trusts nationwide, providing unrivalled strength in depth for our clients to help them meet the challenges they face, dealing with workforce, competition law, procurement challenges, major projects and strategic estates partnerships, as well as a raft of “day to day” legal problems that our experts can solve more quickly and more cost effectively than others can.

Integrated care systems

NHS commissioners have faced a variety of novel challenges since the 2013 reorganisation, and most recently with the move to integrated care boards at the centre of wider integrated care systems. We have been closely involved throughout in assisting commissioners to operate efficiently and adapt quickly to their seemingly ever-changing landscape. We are currently working with many integrated care boards on the opportunities and challenges brought about by the 2022 Health and Care Act’s move to integrated care systems.

Other NHS bodies

In addition to commissioners and providers, we work closely with a number of central NHS “system” organisations, offering top-level strategic guidance to help the leaders of these organisations steer the NHS through constantly evolving challenges.

Case studiesView all

  • Datawell project

    Advising Manchester Academic Health and Science Network on the “Datawell” project to identify a partner to work with the network to develop, implement and exploit a new IT solution to share data across network members. This project uses the new innovation partnership procurement procedure under the Public Contracts Regulations 2015.

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  • Development of healthcare apps

    Advising on development of healthcare apps for patients, including advising NHS Northern England Strategic Clinical Networks on its Deciding Right app for making care decisions and NHS South East Commissioning Support Unit on its Health Help Now app to enable users to find the right service for their health needs.

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  • Setting up GP provider organisations and federations

    Advising General Practitioners across the country on transforming primary care by setting up over 50 GP provider organisations or federations to extend primary and out of hospital care services; these organisations represent a patient population in excess of 12 million and include Iceni Healthcare with 174 Practices across Norfolk and Waveney, Somerset Primary Care (94 Practices) and BIG Practice (Birmingham Integrated General Practice) of over 100 Practices.

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  • Setting up new healthcare businesses

    Advising entrepreneurs on setting up new healthcare businesses including businesses delivering primary and community health services, medical services for foreign visitors to the UK and supplying locum doctors and nurses, including via online marketplace/gig economy models.

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