Integrated Care Resource Centre


An introduction to integrated care

The NHS is developing new care models to redesign health and care systems to improve quality of care, reduce health inequalities and address productivity and efficiency challenges.

At the Vanguard sites chosen to develop the models of care proposed by the NHS Five Year Forward View commissioners and providers of health and social care services are working together to redesign their local systems. In other areas new models of care are also emerging in Sustainability and Transformation Plans required by the NHS Shared Planning Guidance 2016/17 – 2020/21 and through devolution bids.

All of these developments aim to support improvement and integration of services by breaking down traditional divides between primary care, community services, secondary care and social care and by delivering increasingly personalised and integrated care for patients. The assumption is that if organisations work together then better outcomes may be achieved.

New care models will involve all types of commissioners and providers of NHS-funded and local-government funded services.

Organisations will need to consider what they are trying to achieve and then choose a care model to deliver their objectives. As a leader or participant in a model the key questions you will want to be able to answer are:

  • What is the rationale for a new care model in terms of improving quality of care, providing more integrated services, increasing productivity and releasing efficiencies?
  • What model of care will best support us to deliver our objectives?
  • How can we move quickly to get on with our plans?
  • What legal flexibilities do we have to set up our chosen model of care?
  • What are the barriers and risks and how do we address governance issues?
  • Do we need a new type of organisational form for delivery and, if so, do the organisational forms suggested by Examining new options and opportunities for providers of NHS care, The Dalton Review provide the answers?

Contact Adrian Parker for more information on how Hempsons can help your organisations develop new care models.

Integrated care resources

Whether you are a Forward View Vanguard site or developing your own redesigned model of care, either as commissioner or provider, our Integration Portal is designed to help you to answer these questions and provide many other useful resources.


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