Charity property

Impressive record in advising charities and other third sector organisations on the full range of general and sector specific charity property issues

Our specialist experience includes advising on compliance with Charities Act requirements, transfer of premises between trustees and associated real estate advice on incorporations or mergers of charities.

We also have extensive experience in buying and selling freehold and leasehold properties, general advice on occupancy agreements and registration with HM Land Registry. Funding is also a key issue. We undertake development work including construction projects for, or funded by, public, private and third sector bodies and have assisted in the drafting of grant agreements for third sector bodies for construction and development purposes.

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Acquisition of charity headquarters

Acted for Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health on the acquisition of its new headquarters in Theobald’s Road, London and on its related sale of its headquarters building near London Regent Street.

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  • Choosing a brand

    We all know the key role your brand plays in building awareness of your charity with its beneficiaries and in driving engagement with donors, but how do you maximise and protect its value?

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  • Social Enterprise: all aboard?

    It was something I heard debated around the time the Social Value Act was being put together: an earlier draft of the legislation had included a definition of ‘social enterprise’ with the idea being that only social enterprises (with a capital ‘S’ and a capital ‘E’) could benefit. However, this was ultimately rejected in the parliamentary process leaving open the possibility that anyone who wanted to (even the private sector) could offer social value as part of a public sector procurement process and get the same credit for it as a CIC or a charity or someone else traditionally seen as part of the ‘not for profit’ sector.

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  • Trust Matters

    “Trust Matters”. These are the bywords of the Charity Commission for its recent report on public trust in charities, issued in July.

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