Environment and sustainability

Key expertise across green issues, environment and sustainability 

One of the areas becoming increasingly important to our clients is that of green issues, environment and sustainability. Which has an impact upon all areas of an organisation and its operations. For members of the public sector this can involve a series of specific duties imposed from above, either from central government, or through governance and guidelines. For private and third sector organisations dealing with the public sector, there is likely to be a knock-on effect, as well as new opportunities. Many organisations now choose to adopt sustainable practices as a matter of preference.

Within Hempsons we have environment and sustainability lawyers with expertise that is wider than in a traditional environmental law team, to help you navigate your way through the key areas in which you may require legal help to deal with the sustainability and green issues that impact upon your organisation, such as carbon reduction law.

You can find out more about the specific areas with which we can help you and the expertise and the experience of the healthcare lawyers involved by clicking on key services below.

Key services and issues

Our work

Specific examples of our work for each key service can be found by clicking on the links above, but here are a handful of recent examples from the range of work.

  • Advising Phaconsult, the sustainability consultants, for the Master Institute of Science and Technology in the Middle East in respect of a building designed to be self-sufficient in all of its own electrical needs by innovation and ambitious use of solar power generation.
  • Advising on internal and external recyling schemes for clients, and providing them with guidelines and suites of simple documents for use in recycling transactions to help minimise risk in respect of regulatory and liability matters.
  • Advising a client about double-charging of landfill tax and helping them renegotiate their waste management contract, enabling them to make substantial savings.
  • We regularly advise on regulatory matters which remain highly confidential.