- Harrogate
- healthcare advisory
- p.doyle@hempsons.co.uk
- 01423 724028

- Harrogate
- procurement, corporate, commercial
- a.parker@hempsons.co.uk
- 01423 724029

- London, Southampton
- corporate, commercial
- m.rourke@hempsons.co.uk
- 020 7484 7648
Healthcare regulators
We have considerable experience in supporting our clients in their dealings with healthcare regulators, including NHS Improvement and NHS England (NHSI/E), the Care Quality Commission (CQC) and the Health and Safety Executive (HSE).
We advise:
- NHS trusts and NHS foundation trusts on mergers, significant transactions and other transactions including successfully navigating the NHSI/E approval process
- commissioners on performance issues including managing the performance of their provider trusts and interactions with NHSI/E
- NHS trusts and NHS foundation trusts on performance issues, breaches of their provider licence, NHSI/E’s powers when taking regulatory action and the wording of directions
- NHS trusts, NHS foundation trusts and others on compliance with health, safety and environmental regulation, including advice and representation in relation to:
- criminal prosecutions for non-compliance brought by regulators against NHS trusts, NHS foundation trusts and/or their staff
- inquests arising out of regulatory investigations
- proceedings brought by regulators to ensure the health and safety of staff in the performance of their duties
- NHS trusts, NHS foundation trusts, mental health trusts, independent hospitals, domiciliary care providers, care homes, GPs and dentists about CQC inspections, challenges and complaints and the fit and proper persons test (where applicable)
- dentists about performers list issues and fitness to practise hearings with the GDC – please refer to our dental practitioner page here
- GPs about performers list issues and GMC matters including performance reviews, registration appeals, specialist list appeals, and representation at fitness to practise hearings – please refer to our GP page here.