Acknowledged reputation acting for both landlord and tenants
Hempsons’ real estate team have extensive experience in acting for both landlords and tenants across a diverse range of sectors. We have an acknowledged reputation for advising doctors, NHS bodies and our private sector clients on third party development agreements and leases. We advise investment landlords on all aspects of commercial leases in connection with their estates. Our real estate team also advise on a wide range of issues arising in a landlord and tenants situations.
Key services and issues
- Break clauses
- Commercial leases
- Development agreements for lease
- Licences
- Rent review
- Tenancies at will
- Tenancy agreements
Case studiesView all

Property management and development of permanent endowment estate
Advising an endowed charity, the Dame Alice Owen Foundation, on the grant of a 10-year lease at a market rent. The charity Dame Alice Owen Foundation dates back to 1613 and continues to manage the permanent endowment comprising land in London EC1.
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