Start-ups for charities and CICs

We provide in-depth advice on start-ups for Charities and CICs

We advise those wishing to start up a new venture and identify the most appropriate legal structure to be used, whether a community interest company (CIC), a charitable company, a social enterprise or a not for profit company.

There are a wide range of issues that need to be considered, as well as the individual preferences of the promoters of that venture. We facilitate discussion on these issues and are able to draft a summary report of the pros and cons of each option.

We have regular dealings with Companies House, the CIC regulator and the Charity Commission and we use this knowledge to guide our clients through the process of registration and their future activities.

Key services and issues

  • Drafting governing document
  • Evaluate appropriate legal vehicle
  • Ongoing advice and assistance
  • Pros and cons
  • Registration.

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  • Social Enterprise: all aboard?

    It was something I heard debated around the time the Social Value Act was being put together: an earlier draft of the legislation had included a definition of ‘social enterprise’ with the idea being that only social enterprises (with a capital ‘S’ and a capital ‘E’) could benefit. However, this was ultimately rejected in the parliamentary process leaving open the possibility that anyone who wanted to (even the private sector) could offer social value as part of a public sector procurement process and get the same credit for it as a CIC or a charity or someone else traditionally seen as part of the ‘not for profit’ sector.

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